

FEB 9th:  'Janus day' - Looking   back - looking forward

MAR 9th:  Afternoon Tea and Social Afternoon   

APRIL 6th:  'Richard III - A Bloody Tyrant?' talk by Dr. Phil Stone - Chairman of the Richard III Society

MAY 11th:  'Lost Treasures Of The North West', a talk by Mark Olly.     

JUN 8th:  Visit  York Minster 

JUL 14th:  'The Legitimacy Of Edward IV - Talk by Deirdre Gough, one of our members

AUG 10th:  Visit To Holt Church and Castle and 'Hildegarde's Tea Rooms                                                 

SEP 7th:  Visit to Tong Church and Upton Cressett Hall    

OCT 13th: 'Richard III' - A personal appraisal by Pam Strong - one of our members    

NOV:  Legends around Richard III                      

DEC 7th:  Christmas lunch at the CROWN HOTEL NANTWICH


April:  'Richard III - A Bloody Tyrant?' A talk by Dr. Phil Stone - Chairman of the Richard III Society

Phil Stone Talk Richard III

June: York and York Minster

August: Holt Castle and Church

September: Tong Church and Upton Cressett Hall- Shropshire 

Upton Cressett Hall Upton Cressett Hall

North Mercia Group at Upton Cresset Hall, Shropshire

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