
2017 Programme

January 28th: Medieval Banquet

February 4th: Janus Day

March 4th:  'King Richard's Parliament' - Matthew Lewis

April 8th: Medieval Graffiti in parish churches - Samantha Fernley

May 5th: (Friday night) 'The Private Life of Edward IV' - John Ashdown Hill

June 3rd: Outing to Whittington Castle & Chirk Castle

July 15th: Archery day at the Lichfield Archery School

August 12th: Bosworth Picnic

September 3rd: Outing to Leicester

October 7th: A talk by Richard McKinder

November 4th: 'An afternoon with Margaret Paston' A return visit from Lizzy Jones who takes on the persona of the 15th century noblewoman Margaret Paston and desctibes her life.

December 2nd: Christmas lunch at the Crown

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